Vaporesso COSS Kit Preview

Vaporesso COSS Kit Preview

Intuitive Vape Stick + Auto Refill + 

Auto Recharge + Long Lasting Battery + 

Vacuum Seal System

A revolutionary new vaping solution that addresses the long-standing pain points of current products while delivering an intuitive design that meets the smoking usage habits. This groundbreaking innovation represents a significant leap forward for the industry, offering an unparalleled vaping experience that truly sets it apart from the competition.

Intuitive Design Without Thought Vaporesso COSS

An intuitive design, conform to your behavior, effortlessly and unconsciously, in order to replicate the most comfortable and natural inhalation experience possible.

One Of The Smallest Vape Stick But More Than Small & Light…

Always Powered

With Auto Power Supply System

Every time you put the vape stick in, it will charge it automatically, the total 1750mAh battery can support you for almost one week of vaping.

Always Fulfilled

World’s First Smart e-Liquid Supply System

Just one click to fill the pod and the 8.1ml bigger capacity will keep you always fulfilled.

Coil-Oil Separation System

World’s First e-Juice Capsule Design

Allowing more possibilities for both refillable pod and pre-filled pod system.

No Contact Of Air, No Leakage

World’s First Vacuum Seal System

The capsule can remain vacuum while consuming liquids, which can prevent the liquid from contact with air to reduce leakage properly.

Fresh Every Puff

No Contact Of Air, Less Contact Of Coil

No more repeated heating and long time soaking, making sure that every drop of liquid supplied to the vape stick is fresh.

Flavor Consistency All The Time

With the VAPORESSO COSS, the vape stick is always powered and the liquid supplied is always fresh, it can solve the flavor decay problem to truly provide a consistently good taste from the first puff to the last.

Jun 30th 2023 Vaporesso COSS

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