Wholesale Turns Off UPS

Wholesale Turns Off UPS

Hello, friends and customers! We have a bit of an announcement to make regarding shipments.

One of our former carriers, UPS, has officially stopped shipping services for vape products. Due to this, EightCig will only have USPS delivery options available for the next few weeks. Unfortunately, USPS prices may be more costly, (especially for larger orders,) so we thank our customers for their patience and understanding as we transition to more affordable options.

We are, however, working on implementing more cost effective solutions to offer, moving forward:

  • X Delivery, our single shipping solution, will be available within the next few weeks. They will offer better prices, and include adult signature verification. However, the weight limit per package will be 10lbs.
  • We will have freight shipping as an option in the next few days, to fulfill large orders. This will be the most cost effective solution for orders over 100lbs. (Typically $4,000+)
  • We are working to establish a business-to-business exemption with USPS to allow for wholesale shipping. But this process cannot start until USPS has set their guidelines for business-to-customer shipping, which should happen in a month at least.

Due to the increase in shipping costs with USPS, we are no longer offering free shipping for orders over $1,000. We plan on revising our free shipping guidelines soon, so we can resume free shipping for customers who need to place large orders.

We thank our customers for their patience and understanding, as we confidently work to provide them all with more affordable shipping options in the near future.

Mar 31st 2021 Gideon Eklund

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